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Connector Compressed

Connector CompressedSezon 1 | Odc. 107

30 minmagazyn komputerowy
Ginx eSports TV HD wtorek, 7 maja 16:00
The final guest for this season of the Connector is the Esports Historian Thorin. James and Thorin do indepth on topics such as his start into esports in the early days and how he got his start as a key figure in CS:GO and his constant battle with Reddit.The final guest for this season of the Connector is the Esports Historian Thorin. James and Thorin do indepth on topics such as his start into esports in the early days and how he got his start as a key figure in CS:GO and his constant battle with Reddit.
  • magazyn komputerowy
Czas trwania
  • 30 min