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Let's Go Viral

Let's Go ViralSezon 1 | Odc. 22

30 minmagazyn komputerowy
Ginx eSports TV sobota, 20 kwietnia 13:30
Join Anthony Richardson as he turns up at contestants' doorsteps with only one thing on his mind: to make a viral TikTok video! See if he can unearth hidden skills and talents, or if he just gets in the way and makes a mess of things. Whoever gets the most views across the series is the winner, but beware, contestants. As soon as he knocks on your door, the clock starts ticking!Join Anthony Richardson as he turns up at contestants' doorsteps with only one thing on his mind: to make a viral TikTok video! See if he can unearth hidden skills and talents, or if he just gets in the way and makes a mess of things. Whoever gets the most views across the series is the winner, but beware, contestants. As soon as he knocks on your door, the clock starts ticking!
  • magazyn komputerowy
Czas trwania
  • 30 min