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The Archive

The ArchiveSezon 1 | Odc. 1

30 minmagazyn komputerowy
Ginx eSports TV sobota, 20 kwietnia 21:00
In the very first episode of The Archive, Stumpy is going back, way back, to before he was born. The year is 1985 and video games are in trouble. The industry is crumbling and investors are fleeing, but there's still hope. Nintendo are making their way to the West and bringing a plucky Italian to help them on their way.In the very first episode of The Archive, Stumpy is going back, way back, to before he was born. The year is 1985 and video games are in trouble. The industry is crumbling and investors are fleeing, but there's still hope. Nintendo are making their way to the West and bringing a plucky Italian to help them on their way.
  • magazyn komputerowy
Czas trwania
  • 30 min