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Tim Kliphuis and the NCO: The Changing Seasons

Tim Kliphuis and the NCO: The Changing Seasons

36 minkoncert2015
Stingray DJAZZ poniedziałek, 13 maja 11:48
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Netherlands Chamber Orchestra commissioned violinist Tim Kliphuis, internationally known for his genre-crossing approach to music, to write a new version of Antonio Vivaldi's âFour Seasonsâ. Kliphuis choose to take improvisation as his starting point; at the same time, he intended to leave the best-known Vivaldi themes and chords in, as they give the piece its wonderful energy. The result is a fresh and exciting interpretation that never loses sight of the original. Each season has a different character: the freshness of spring is reflected by the use of Irish and Norwegian traditional music; the summer heat can be heard in the American jazz and funk rhythms; the autumn includes a galloping safari hunt in South-Africa and the ice-cold winter warms up with the energy of Russian gypsy music. For each movement, Kliphuis has a metropole in mind which he visited on his previous concert tours. Youâre about to witness a truly genre-crossing spectacle!
  • Tim Kliphuis
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2015
Czas trwania
  • 36 min