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Django's Children

Django's Children

83 minkoncert2011
Stingray DJAZZ sobota, 27 kwietnia 21:00
Europa Jazz Festival, Le Mans, France. The documentary "Django's Children" follows five Gypsy jazz musicians, who meet near Le Mans to have a jam session into the early hours of the morning. Their journey continues at dawn, new adventures and encounters awaiting them. Their mentality seems to run counter to that of society at large, with its focus on conformity, profitability, property and the current state of the stock markets. Their journey serves as the focus of this documentary, which, like the music it portrays, is filled with adventure and unexpected events. Freedom!
  • Stochelo Rosenberg
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2011
Czas trwania
  • 83 min