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Josquin - Missa Gaudeamus

Josquin - Missa Gaudeamus

48 minconcert2018
Stingray Classica HD niedziela, 31 marca 11:05
Jacobikerk, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Energetic, intellectual, eloquent and confident: in the Missa Gaudeamus we encounter a grown-up Josquin Desprez, who shows off with bravura all the compositional techniques and stylistic elements of his day. Cantus firmus and canon techniques go hand in hand with melodic ingenuity, rhythmic complexity and sophisticated climax-building. In the hands of the multiple prize-winning Stile Antico, this work, alternated with Josquin's motets including Ave Maria and Salve Regina, shines like new.
  • Stile Antico
  • Utrecht Early Music Festival & Festival Oude Muziek
  • concert
Rok produkcji
  • 2018
Czas trwania
  • 48 min