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Origins 4

Origins 4Sezon 4 | Odc. 5

30 minmagazyn komputerowy
Ginx eSports TV niedziela, 28 kwietnia 21:30
In an industry where technological advancements are make-or-break for a company, Nintendo took a risk and dared to be different, presenting the world the Nintendo Wii. In this episode, we track the development of the console, and how its tie-in game 'Wii Sports' gave it the means to become one of the most successful consoles of all time.In an industry where technological advancements are make-or-break for a company, Nintendo took a risk and dared to be different, presenting the world the Nintendo Wii. In this episode, we track the development of the console, and how its tie-in game 'Wii Sports' gave it the means to become one of the most successful consoles of all time.
  • magazyn komputerowy
Czas trwania
  • 30 min