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50 mindocumentary
FunBox UHD piątek, 22 listopada 19:40
As far back as 50,000 years ago, on a remote continent, a people thrived. Unseen by the "outside world", this place we would come to know as Australia sat untouched by an evolving world around it, until it was conquered by the peoples of a distant land. With its own unique thriving ecosystems and wildlife, Australia evolved on its own after the prehistory breakup of Pangea. Life that exists nowhere else in the world exists here to this day. From the world's largest coral reef, to vast deserts, and rainforests Australia would be a cornucopia of experiences unavailable anywhere else on planet earth to a visitor. Now populated by over 25 million people and thousands of unique species of animal and plant life Australia has a story all its own. Experience this varied cultural and geographic landscape through the lens of discovery, hearing from experts on both the geologic and natural history of this tucked away corner of the globe...
  • documentary
Czas trwania
  • 50 min